Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thoughts on the Israel–HezbAllah Conflict

This started out as a small thought, but ... it's not. Fair warning.


Here's a link to a public address from Israel's Prime Minister. Click on the picture at the bottom center of the page with the caption, "PM Addressing Israel Supporters".

Two things to have in mind before you watch it. According to their beliefs, a radical Muslim only has two options available:
1) Convert any non-radical Muslim (whether they be pew-sitting Muslim or of another religion) into a radical Muslim who is willing to kill others for not converting, or
2) Kill everyone unwilling to convert to radical Islam.

Become a killer or get killed.

This is not some mamby-pamby would-you-like-to-come-to-our-Vacation-Bible-School ninny club. This is a religious army with real guns and rockets—supplied by the likes of Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other mostly-Muslim nations that want to see all Jews murdered and Israel (as a Jewish nation) completely destroyed.

This is their modus operendi: become a killer or get killed, but all Jews must be killed. From Wiki: "Hezbollah supports the destruction of the state of Israel and has co-operated with other militant Islamic organizations such as Hamas in order to promote this goal … The complete destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of Islamic rule over Jerusalem is an expressed goal."

In twelve days, over 600 rockets have been fired from HezbAllah into 100% civilian neighborhoods. Radical Muslims are killing civilian Jews on purpose, with no pause, no resttraint, no hesitation whatsoever.

Oh, I hear, but what about Israel attacking civilians as well over the border? Sure, let's look at that.

Because the world recognized what an out-of-control terrorist group HezbAllah is, in 2004 Lebanon was ordered by UN Resolution 1559 to disarm and completely strip HezbAllah. They did not. From Wiki: "The continued existence of Hezbollah's military wing after 1990 violates the Taif Agreement that ended the Lebanese civil war, which requires the 'disbanding of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias' and requires the government to 'deploy the Lebanese army in the border area adjacent to Israel.' The Lebanese government did not try to disarm the Hezbollah..." Instead, the HezbAllah has taken over the southern border of Lebanon, forming a parasitic relationship with its host communities: they feed off the "protection" the community provides while using it to suck the blood of hope from the Middle East by killing civilian Jews.

Yes, you heard right, they are in the small neighborhoods. So when Israel finds out exactly where they are, Israel has two choices: basic hand-to-hand combat in that apartment, or bomb it. When we hear of civilian casualties on HezbAllah's side, its precisely because they are in the neighborhoods and Lebanon has allowed them to be there. If Lebanon would have kicked HezbAllah's butt years ago when Israel waited for the world to get involved, this wouldn't be where it is now. They did not. From Wiki: "Since Israel's withdrawl from Lebanon in 2000, and until the conflict arising in July 2006, Hezbollah has used the period of quiet to secretly arm itself with Syrian and Iranian missiles, which it claims number over 10,000. Placing them, according to many reports (including British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East Dr. Kim Howells in an interview on CNN, July 22, 2006), in civilian locations, including family homes, crowded residential neighborhoods and mosques."

A word about Israel's accuracy. The Associated Press made this observation last week. HezbAllah straps dynamite to themselves and blows up buses, hotels, restaurants and anywhere else even one single Jew might be ... regardless of how many Arabs or Muslims might be there. Lots of damage, tons of carnage, no accuracy. Israel picks the Syrian Defense Security's five-story office building to bomb due to his direct involvement in funneling weapons to the Hezzies. They leave the ground floor and third floor untouched, but destroy the second floor, fourth floor and fifth floor with missiles from a fighter jet. They did it on purpose and they were accurate.

Israel captures Hezzie terrorists and puts them in jail. In retaliation, HezbAllah kills two men and kidnaps the third who were guarding the border. These guys weren't serving some whacked religious purpose and haphazardly blowing people up, they were guarding the border! Then HezbAllah wants to "trade" the soldiers for the terrorists?!?!?!? Puhleeze. It's not even logical.

Now, I don't know how much I can agree with PM Olmert's "kill them" quote in the video, but against a psycho group of brainless and illogical nutjobs like HezbAllah (yes, I have been spelling it like this on purpose—so you can see that they subscribe to Allah, the apparent "god of murder"), what options are really there for Israel? Israel is not blatantly out to kill every Middle-Easterner who is not a Jew, they want to stop the brainwashed Muslim murderers.

So what options do they have?

They've handed over hundreds of known terrorists to get one of their own back. They've done cease-fires out the wazoo. They've completely relocated thousands upon thousands of Jews to give away land that was rightfully and completely theirs. They have made concession after concession. They have restrained for so long, yet they have gained nothing for all their restraint. They are not even in Lebanese or Palestinian "territory" right now, and haven't been since (as early as the mid–'80s, actually) 2000 and 2004 respectively (even though some of that land was really theirs). They have given so much for peace, yet the HezbAllah and Hamas, etc. are not willing that peace should remain.

The equation is simple, really. They want every Jew dead and Jerusalem to be under Muslim rule. Until that is accomplished, there will be no peace (except for when the Antichrist comes and makes a huge peace deal in the Middle East ... but that's the time to run far, far away).

I just can't figure what the answer is if not to stand up for your own country so you are not obliterated.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

IQ Test

You have 38 questions and 13 minutes.

You get one shot. Post your score in the comments.


Speaking of the Future...

In a while Microsoft will release the much-debilitated Vista.

As seen by these three videos it is still quite behind the times. Apple already did what they are just now getting around to lo these manifold years hence. Verily, verily I say unto thee: switch while the switchin's good.

Brought to you by .

Friday, July 07, 2006

How To Confuse a Youngling

1). Sit on the couch next to your one-year-old and play a DVD that has you in a couple shots. Laugh at her open-mouthed bewilderment. "Yes, daddy can be in two places at once … he's special."

2). Just when your two-year-old gets a grasp of the English language, revert to talking to her in baby talk.

3). Then tell her you can't understand what she is saying because it is making too much sense.

4). Buy a dog and name it Cat.

5). Spell it K-A-T.

6). For extra pizzazz, add an extra T. Do this before she starts Kindergarten.