Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bunnicula, Beatrix Potter and Expensive Fur Coats

What do these three things have in common? They all have something to to with bunnies; furry, fluffy, hippity-hoppers. And today we are looking at adopting a bunny.

The girls are asleep and the rabbit, Buddy by name, is on his way over. We've got film in the camera and we can't wait to see their faces when they realize there's a pet in the house.

"I was glad when they said unto me, 'It shall go into its bunny house to take care of its business." That's a loose quote from the Psalms, but the bunny (drumroll, please) is potty-trained and house-friendly. That's right folks, after it eats its rabbit pellets and feels the needs to dispose of said rabbit pellets, it hops right inside its 4x8 foot cage and drops its midget Marines in no-man's land. Then Buddy will emerge, fresh and clean as a spring morning.

You don't bathe bunnies because they don't like to get wet. You don't walk bunnies because they don't need to run off their pent-up energy. All in all, it seems they are low maintenance except for the major shedding that happens twice a year. Without the energy to raise a puppy (it's like having a third kid), or the money to spend on a dog, Buddy looks like the decent option at this point. Low maintenance, self-cleaning, house-trained and cute. Sounds like a winner.

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