Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Iranian President's Blog

Iran's leader, Ahmadinejad, has launched a blog. Presumably it is to raise support for his causes and stir a lot of trouble. Lest you've forgotten, one of his stated goals is to cause such a disruption to the world that the Islamic messiah (which, funny enough, seems to be the Bible's description of the Antichrist) would have to show up to straighten it all out ... he's helping to push us toward the end.

His first entry, 2500 words about his poor and oppressed upbringing and punctuated with anti-American, anti-Western rhetoric, is very long (think the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy back to back, with features, but without action or relevance to the Western world). He even apologizes and promises to make future posts simpler and shorter.

Gee, if only that were my sole complaint...


Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Or is it like Steve Jobs' blog?

Farmer Family said...

I'm not 100% sure, but several news organizations have covered it, so I am assuming it is real. Plus, there's no blatant joking involved like on Jobs' blog
