Monday, August 07, 2006


The WWDC06 starts today ... that's the WorldWide Developers Conference for Apple. They are previewing "Leopard", the new operating system for Mac—which would make it the fourth complete revamp to come out since Windows released their last version. I'm excited to see what they've done to the interface ... maybe given it a facelift or made all the confirmation dialog boxes uniform. I'm hopeful that they would introduce something as important (in the computing world, that is) as Exposé, Widgets, or (an updated) Spotlight, but the experts have been saying that I shouldn't hold my breath. For sure, they will be shooting to make Vista look like Nickelodeon Kids. Shouldn't be hard.

I'll be watching Steve Jobs' Keynote Webcast as soon as it comes out. And so will the rest of IHOP's Web Development and IT Team.

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