Friday, December 26, 2008

I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

You could call it a goal, a desire, or a calling. I would like to retain my sanity as much as possible under impossible circumstances—four kids under 4 years old, all vying for the same loud toys the others have in a 960 square-foot house. This means minimizing the toy cacophony. How do you make toys quieter without raising the children's suspicions?

Enter: clear tape. I know clear tape’s cousin, duct tape, receives most of the accolades when it comes to fixing things, but let’s show a little love and give a little credit where it’s due. You see, kids can see duct tape pretty easily. Not so with clear tape. The clear stuff is incognito . . . covert silencing ops, if you know what I’m saying. You know it’s quieter, but the kids have no clue. That’s my kind of win–win situation. Merry Christmas and a quiet New Year.


Annie Peterson said...

for real? That's brilliant!

Farmer Family said...

Yes, for real. Almost every toy in the house has a strip or two of clear tape across the speaker.

The amount of noise that comes from one blinking, zooming, jangling toy is insane. Toy manufacturers must think that every child is deaf, or should be. Thank goodness for my homegrown mute button.

Mumbah said...

That is HILARIOUS!! Is your house really 960 sq ft? My condo is 568, and now I don't feel so bad about sharing a bathroom with only one other person. ;)

Farmer Family said...

Yup. It's small. Maybe we'll move someday.
