Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Good morning to ya!

I haven't posted here in over six months, mostly due to schooling and staying busy with the family. But today, Wednesday the 8th, we took Olivia (3 years old) in for her pre-op processing. She'll be having another heart surgery on Thursday, July 9th, which should be when you are reading this post.

Pray for her during this time. It'll be quite a big deal. More details on that later.

Here's a few pictures for before the surgery. I'll be posting throughout and some after shots as well. Click them for the mural-sized view.

On this one above, notice the blue webbing pattern that sits just below the skin. This is quite pronounced in person, but still noticeable here. I wonder how much this will go away once she has completely recovered. She also has a dusky gray/blue color on her skin called cyanosis.

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the surgery and the subsequent month of recovery. And thanks for praying for her.

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