Sunday, July 12, 2009

Olivia’s 7:30pm Update

After a whirlwind morning that started at 4am and went til about 11:30, the afternoon has been relatively uneventful. Amy got here around noon, along with some other friends who came to pray for her. The transfusion was successful, bringing her Hemoglobin and Hematocrit waaaay up. Her hemoglobin went from 4.6 to 11—yes, those numbers are correct—then up to 14.9 with the second infusion, so her body can work on healing itself more effectively. Her hematocrit went from 14.6 up to 40 currently.

Even if you don’t understand those numbers, you can still see that there is a major difference. Olivia had been getting more and more pale over the past 24 hours. That matches the fact that she did lose somewhere in the neighborhood of 720ml of blood in that timeframe, which is a lot for someone so small (35 pounds). Compare that with the expected blood loss for a full grown, 150-pound woman who is giving birth: 500–1000ml, depending on whether it is a live birth or a cesarean.

“Lucy, you got some ’splainin’ to do.”

As far as the blood accumulation between the ribs and the lungs, there is the hope that it will just dissolve. If not, it will have to be removed surgically in the next day or so before it becomes a clot and causes more problems.

Thanks for all the prayers and support. It’s great to have such good friends and family in this with us.

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