Well, she’s sleeping right now. I’ve been holding her all evening, but she asked to get back in bed. I’m trying to keep her as upright as possible to encourage beneficial coughing and circulation within her lungs. We’ve done another breathing treatment, but this time it was on my lap instead of in the bed. It seemed like she did better that way.
Olivia is drinking apple juice like it won’t exist next week. And she has had multiple wet diapers, which is a good sign that her body is getting back into correct function on its own.
Amy was here until around 9pm. Hopefully she will get some good rest back at home. I’ll be trying to do the same.
Tomorrow at around 4am Olivia will have another round of x-rays to check out her lungs. They’ll be able to tell us what the day will look like—whether we’ll be getting a regular room or still have to stay—within a few hours after that. You’ll know when I know.
Thank you again for all your prayers.
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