Thursday, January 05, 2006

A New Step

Amy and I have been in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer for a few years now, but we have yet to completely buy into the missionary lifestyle with all its inherent craziness. I've always worked pretty hard (most times having at least two jobs, sometimes three) and so has Amy, so we are not used to the missionary role of raising support.

There's a wonderful sense of security that comes from knowing you are getting a paycheck twice a month. But missionaries are sent so their role is fundamentally different. Their focus needs to be on the task at hand in a more intentional way; not being consumed with finances, and not allowing that to be a deciding factor for spiritual obedience is a great freedom. And walking this out is a great responsibility.

We are at the House of Prayer because we believe we are called here; this is what the Lord has for our family right now. Now we are looking for partners: those who believe in us and/or who believe in the role of the International House of Prayer at this time in history. We are inviting those with the same heart to partner with us in answering the call the Lord has placed on our heart--to be missionaries, preparing the earth for Jesus' return.

God always works in partnership with mankind, so we desire to do the same. Over the next few weeks we will be asking you to partner with us as we step more fully into our role as missionaries in Kansas City. We are excited (and nervous) about this time, but we wouldn't want it any other way.

This is bigger than the Farmer family, bigger than our little missions base, bigger than our minds can grasp at this point. This is about Him. He desires a Bride who, in glory and in suffering, has been made like Him in every way. This is about Him receiving the gift of love from every heart that is willing.

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