Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I'm usually not impressed with kid's books, but we found a kid's Bible that is pretty good at simplifying things. It's The Beginner's Bible by Zondervan/Zonderkidz. Here's an excerpt from Genesis and Revelation.

"In the beginning, the world was empty. Darkness was everywhere. But God had a plan."

Many years later, the disciple John lived on an island
[Um, yeah, let the reader understand...]. While he was there, an angel came to him in a vision. In the vision, a bright light surrounded Jesus. He spoke to John, 'Do not be afraid. Write a book about what you see and send it to the churches.' In the vision, John saw God sitting on His throne. A rainbow sparkled all around Him. John saw that everything bad on the earth had come to an end [Um, yeah, let the reader understand ... again.]. Then John saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. God said, 'There will be no more death or sadness or crying or pain. I will live with My people forever.' Then Jesus promised, 'I am coming back soon.'"

And how about the lesson of the Prodigal? "Jesus explained the story. 'God is like this father. He is full of love and joy when people who are lost come back to Him.'"

Simple as that, people.

For a kid's book, that's pretty good. And it does my heart some good too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For one thing, that is a great Bible, and for another thing, it's great that you are checking it out so hard core. Most adults wouldn't even open it. It basically has a label that says, "to children, from Jesus" so no adult would have interest. Then again, the KJV has a tag saying, "to adults, from Jesus," and most adults still have no interest in it.