Friday, November 18, 2005

Forgiven Much

I was thinking this morning about the "whomever is forgiven much, loves much" verse. It dawned on me that my whole life has been forgiven; not just my past stuff, the future stuff as well. And if it's all gone, then what else do I have to spend my energies on but loving God? I don't have to pay a penance or try to explain it away ... it's already gone and it's already paid for.

This is funny to think about, but if we keep talking to God about what doesn't exist anymore (from His perspective), wouldn't that be pretty boring to Him? Why not discuss something more real, something that will last for longer than just my life, something eternal, something Divine? We should talk to Him about Him. We should talk to Him about loving Him.

My whole life's forgiven, now my whole life is love.

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