Sunday, September 17, 2006

Olivia Is Home!!!

My apologies for getting to this so late. It's been a tad crazy.

Olivia was discharged from the hospital on Friday night (this is Sunday afternoon) ... only four days after her heart surgery! Amazing. The doctors said she was doing incredibly well and were impressed with her recovery. So they (unexpectedly) released her after a few days instead of the usual 10–14 days. That means we don't get the benefit of highly-paid babysitters keeping an eye on her while we are away. All the poopy diapers are ours to change, all the cries are ours to soothe, and all the hours of the night are ours to explore with this little one.

Since then we have been at home trying to catch up from the exhausting 15-hour days in the hospital.

Olivia still has staples in her chest, but they should be removed on Thursday. People keep asking who she looks like, and I say, "Frankenstein from the neck down, but Kayla as a newborn from the neck up."

She's on one painkiller for the next day, a daily blood thinner until her next surgery at about 6 months old, and a medicine that expands the plumbing around her heart so she can pump blood effectively throughout her body.

Other than that, and the slight blue/purple color she almost always has, Olivia is a normal newborn ... albeit with the need for two more major surgeries or a creative miracle. We are asking God to break in with the miracle.


Anonymous said...


So wonderful to read todays update! Tears in my eyes, thankful to the Lord that Olivia is home. We in Seattle rejoice with you.

Sleepless in Seattle

Anonymous said...


Should have added this into my last post, please forgive me for being long winded...just need to get this out.

The prayer from Seattle for baby Olivia -

"Oh God, raise up Olivia to be a sign and a wonder! Release faith into our hearts, bring to this precious baby a creative miracle that will cause all to praise your great and awesome name. Let this child be a living witness of your great love and mercy. Jesus! Manifest your very life to Olivia!"

And YES, Dorothy and Toto send their greetings from the Emerald Isle:)

Sleepless in Seattle

Anonymous said...

I bet it's so great to have her home. We're still praying for you guys. And it's sure good to have you back around IHOP.

Sarah said...

I saw your comment at my site and was so impressed you're keeping up with things so well! I'm so glad to hear that Olivia's home and that her recovery has gone so well. We took Addison to the pediatrician the other day, and he couldn't believe how well her scar already looks. It's amazing how babies heal so quickly! I'm hoping the same for your Olivia, and that God will intervene before she needs more surgeries. Either way, He's the Great Physician, and either way, she'll be healed. That's such an amazing thought!