Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thank You

I wanted to write something to express our thanks. I just don't know how to say what's going on inside.

There are so many friends and so many who care, we are simply overwhelmed with gratitude.

The NightWatch
ZHOP in the Carolinas
Melbourne, Australia
Friends & fam on E & W coast
Friends visiting us in various waiting rooms and ICUs
Lone intercessors from all over
Small and large prayer chains dotting the time zones with hope

You bring us before the Almighty.
You uphold us in our lack.
You encourage us with your simple steadfastness.
There have been answers to your prayers already, in something as simple as wise counsel finding us.

You matter.

You who make mention of His name, give Him no rest.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Chuck Scott said...

Josh and Amy,
We are praying for you guys. Remember, you are loved by the Most High God..Let us know if there is anything we can do.