Saturday, September 09, 2006

Surgery Monday

Olivia is scheduled as the third heart surgery on Monday morning. That means sometime between 10AM and 1PM most likely. It will last anywhere from one to four hours depending on complications.

She will be sedated for at least one day afterwards to allow her body to rest and recuperate. By the third day after she should start looking more normal: swelling should be gone, medicines and IVs should decrease, less irritability, etc. We will then need to resume all the regular baby stuff like feedings, wake time, diaper changes, holding her often and allowing her a lot of sleep.

But, oh, the beauty she will posses as she emerges like a butterfly ... it will be wonderous.

It seems she's been a different person for so long; we can't wait to get to know the real Olivia Anne.


Baleboosteh said...

I heard about your precious little girl today via the Above Rubies list. I will be praying for her and your family as you go through this. May God do a miracle here. Our unborn baby daughter has been diagnosed with a similar problem, but in connection with Trisomy 18. It is so hard, but I know that God will continue to strengthen and bless you all.
Michelle & Rob

Kristi Walsh said...

hey josh and amy....just wanted to let you know that we have been praying for your family and for Olivia - both at home, and also at the prayer room with the interns. from the ends of the earth, prayer is arising before the throne on your behalf. may he come speedily and bring your little Olivia justice. taylor and i are in the states now...will be in KC later this week. don't know if our paths will cross, but if not, know that we'll continue to be praying. love and blessings, kristi