Wednesday, December 21, 2005

1996 Class Reunion

I was just told by one of my dear friends that our ten-year high school class reunion has been planned. For April 1st. That's April Fool's Day, Sherlock.

Knowing this friend, I thought she was trying to pull one on me, but I looked into it and it seems to be true. So for any of my old friends deciding to stop by, welcome and thanks for great memories. Great Bridge High was the source of some great times. Lots of friends, taking naps in English class, getting in trouble in Spanish and Math, loving Chorus (Mrs. Meiers is the best!) and Drama ... and, of course, all the prayer clubs and Bible clubs I could be a part of. Now I realize (a bit too late) that I wasn't the nicest guy in the world, and that sometimes my boldness/abrasiveness got in the way of genuinely loving people. But the truth is that I truly did love people and wanted the best for them, even though I wasn't a pro at getting that across in the deepest way.

If you are one of the ones I have hurt in one way or another, please let me know so I can make it right with you. For those who remember me as mostly decent, you are too kind ... and that means I probably owe you some money. Either way, drop me a note so we can connect. By the way, I'm broke if you're asking.

Ten years ... wow. I don't know if that's good or bad. At least I'm not bald. That would be bad.


Randy Bohlender said...


Ten year reunion? Last year I got the postcard inviting me to my twentieth.... The twentieth reunion is generally about proving to everyone how far you've gotten in life. Let me be upfront - attending my high school reunion sounds like getting hit in the head with a hammer, so I have a predisposition to not attend. Anyway, it was February when I got the card - we were in DC sharing a gym foyer with the Amabiles. We had no heat, so I was rifling through the mail as I got ready to go to bed, wearing two pairs of sweat pants, a sweatshirt, two pair of socks, a hat and gloves. Standing there like the Abominable Snowman, I find the card inviting me back to see all my high school buddies. I reflected for about 2 seconds and decided there was no way to explain my current living conditions or life's work. Forget it. I'm going to bed.

Farmer Family said...


I have to wear that many layers in my own house just to keep the frostbite at bay. When I dress the girls, they are always closer to resembling overstuffed muffins than what we would call toddlers. Amy often has to ask how many layers of pants they have on; no wonder we can't tell if their diaper needs to be changed or not. At least when they fall we can all laugh ... the ffffwwut sound can turn my frosty frown upside-down.

Reunions have their awkward moments, that's for sure. I'm all about seeing some old buddies though. I'm doubtful, but maybe it'll work out for us to go. We'll just have to see.

Chuck Scott said...

My 10 year I was asked, "who are you?". I went to a big HS on the east coast. My 20 year I was asked, "aren't you that guy we had arrested for crashing our 10 year?".

I don't know where this is going, but I still have my looks.

Farmer Family said...


I don't know what the reaction to me is going to be. I was a pretty hard-core Bible-thumper back then. I would start Bible clubs just to be able to tell people what they were doing wrong. Not the best way to go about things.

Chuck Scott said...

What's cool about the whole thing though, is that we can give and receive Grace. Like you, others have grown up and changed. I think you will be surprised.

I pray blessings to you and your family this Christmas.
