Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Peanut Butter: The Solution to Sappiness

We had a great Christmas. Simple and fun. The girls got most of the stuff and, to confirm ancient wisdom, expense is no indicator of a child's joy--Kayla's favorite toy is a plastic $6 dog that she can pull around the house by its leash.

For the last several days I have spent a few hours each day working on painting the kitchen. Yes, I still have a honey-do list of things that need to be completed on our house. Don't remind me; it makes me want to curl up in a ball and start rocking in the darkest, roundest corner ... No, I'm not crazy. They put me in a round room and told me to stand in a corner, and that drove me crazy. Crazy? No, I'm not crazy. They put me in a round room and told me to stand in a corner, and that drove me crazy. Crazy? No, I'm not crazy...

Over Christmas we also decided to put the girls in the same room and turn the second room into an office area; we accomplished it that same day. That was two days ago and they are still trying to get used to each other being around while they sleep. Kayla talked at Maddie and laughed all the way through their nap time yesterday, which means they were grumps when they got up. Today was a lot easier ... they were so tired, they were practically asleep by the time we said, "Go to your room. It's time to go night-nights."

I took down the tree today. I broke a bunch of branches when I took off the lights. When I grabbed it to sling it out on the curb, I got sap all over my arm. And soap and water doesn't get it off.

The solution is peanut butter ... I've heard nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol work also, but thanks to WIC, I had plenty of peanut butter on hand (pun intended).

I've gotta get back to painting. The transitions in life are never-ending.


Chuck Scott said...

little know fact, WIC cheese will clean ground cheerios from the carpet as long as they were not saturated with WIC milk. of course a vacuum works just as well.

Farmer Family said...

Thanks for the heads-up on that one. We'll make sure to stock up!